
Agenta Group has been working towards a sustainable world long before 2000. Our ESG goals and strategy was hammered in stone before it became  woke  and everyday speech. Sustainability and inclusiveness are in our blood. 

In our works for a better world we have established some fundamental conditions for our choices to avoid making "sustainable decisions" which are harmfull or damaging for other parts of the supply chain. One of those conditions are the use of food sources, like corn and wheat. Another conditions is the use of harmfull chemicals in the recycling process witch outweighs the properties of the final material.

Being a sustainable pioner has been costly. Partly because our choices of materials and production methods/-requirements are more costly, and partly because sustainable products has been, and still are, treated as non-circular by organisations like the Green Dot, etc.

Despite these facts we're still on the edge of innovation, and working towards changing the market, bit by bit, without deterioration of neither quality or durability, or without harming other part of the supply chain, just to get a "green patch". Our commitment is to implementing increasing the number of lower-impact products and materials, and reduce packing to absolute necessary. This is only achievable in collaboration with our suppliers, co-workers and you as a retailer. 

As Nordics we live close to the nature and see first hand what environmental issues can do with our surroundings. Our goal is to leave this earth a little bit greener than we received it, so that the next generation can be active outdoor and enjoy our beautiful nature as we do.

At the heart of our operations there are people, like you and us. People are people. Even though they  are employees , customers, community, suppliers or third party. Everyone maybe not be as privileged, as we who are born in the Nordics, but they are of same value.  We have therefore always been focusing on the rights of children, international labour and human rights standards, the right to be part of a trade union and the right of an inclusive workplace. 

To succeed in tomorrow's market we're therefore building a diverse set of resilient resources of people, knowhow, partners and products. We're in this together. Together we can take ambitious steps towards a more sustainable future and do changes that matters.

Transparency Act

Agenta Group has been a forerunner and an early developer of a wide set of Code of Conducts directed at its suppliers and its subcontractors. Our Code of Conduct is based on ILO, UN OHCHR and OECD guidelines and a prerequisite for any suppliers for doing business with us. 

Even though we acknowledges that legislation and cultural patterns vary across the world, and that suppliers consequently operate under different circumstances, we have set a basic set of requirements for our suppliers. It forms the basis upon which Agenta Group will evaluation its supplier’s compliance with our requirements and expectations. Therefore, in cases where the law in question is more comprehensive than our “Code of Conduct”, current law applies. And in cases where our “Code of Conduct” is more comprehensive than the law in question, our “Code of Conduct” applies.

Through our Code of Conduct we put special focus on Child Labour (according to ILO #138 & 146), The Working Environment, The Right to Organise (according to ILO #87, 98 & 135, among others), Social Responsibility (according to Universal Declaration of Human Rights art. 19, among others), Environmental Issues (according to ISO 14000, among others) and the Protection of Animals.

Do not hesitate contacting us if you have any feedback or questions.